Please read this text carefully as it contains the legal disclaimer related to your use of the “Goldyza” website.
General Information
The “Goldyza” website provides all data related to gold and silver prices for informational purposes only. While we strive to update this information periodically and ensure its accuracy as much as possible, we make no explicit or implied guarantees regarding the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the data provided, including prices, charts, or any other content found on the site. Therefore, relying on this information is entirely at your own risk.
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“Goldyza” shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from your use of the website or inability to access it. This includes direct and indirect damages, financial and non-financial losses, as well as losses resulting from the loss of profits, data, or market fluctuations. We also disclaim liability for damages resulting from any factors beyond our control.
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Please note that “Goldyza” does not offer any financial or investment advice. The information provided on the site is strictly for informational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for professional financial or investment consultations. We strongly recommend consulting a qualified financial advisor before making any investment or financial decisions based on the data available on the site, to ensure decisions are made on sound principles that suit your personal needs.
Price Fluctuations
Prices displayed on the “Goldyza” website are subject to constant change and may vary between different sources due to multiple factors such as market fluctuations and trading conditions. We are not responsible for any losses that may arise as a result of relying on the prices or chart data presented on the site.
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We make every effort to ensure the continuous operation of the “Goldyza” website around the clock and to keep it consistently accessible to users. However, we cannot guarantee that there will be no interruptions or technical downtime caused by malfunctions or circumstances beyond our control. Accordingly, we disclaim any liability for any website disruption or loss of access to the data available through it. Users are advised to take this into consideration when relying on the site as a primary source of information.
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The “Goldyza” website may contain links directing you to other websites to facilitate access to information and provide a comprehensive browsing experience. However, such links do not imply that we endorse or assume responsibility for the content or policies of those external websites. We are not responsible for any practices, privacy policies, or terms of use employed by external sites. Therefore, we recommend reviewing the terms of use and privacy policies of those websites before interacting with them or relying on their content.
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We reserve the right to modify or update any information or data displayed on the “Goldyza” website at any time we deem appropriate, without prior notice to users. These modifications may include text updates, data changes, price adjustments, or any other content provided on the site. We encourage users to regularly review the website to stay informed about the latest available information and updates.